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Kansas city's global entrepreneurship week,facebook

While everyone is at risk from the dangers of extreme heat, certain groups, including incarcerated people, are more vulnerable than others. And for tenants, a utility disconnection may be grounds for eviction. This can force a choice between paying for electricity or paying for other necessities such as groceries, rent or a mortgage. By some measures, Kansas City ranks as one of the worst cities on this front, with residents spending almost 6% of their income on energy compared to the national average of 3% to 4%. Energy Information Administration estimates that more than a quarter of households already experience some form of energy insecurity.Ī household’s ability to pay utility bills can easily be threatened by a high energy burden.

kansas city

This can strain personal budgets - the U.S. And as temperatures climb, so can utility bills as people attempt to keep cool. That kind of heat may not yet be typical, but neither is it unusual warmer summer temperatures are becoming more common due to climate change.

kansas city

As the region struggled through a Midwest heat wave resulting in excessive-heat warning lasting several days, heat indices soared to over 120 degrees and the setting sun offered little relief as nighttime lows remained in the 80s. “This is NOT Typical Summertime Heat,” the National Weather Service office serving Kansas City announced in a graphic on social media last week.

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